Milestones as Merit: Selecting the Elite in Early Childhood Independent School Admissions

Historically, elite schools have selected students in ways that reproduce advantages for dominant groups and exclude groups deemed undesirable. While the specific outgroup in question has changed over time, the underlying logic that has been used to exclude these groups has often been related to disability. Yet, disability as a social category has received minimal attention in discussions of elite reproduction. In this article, we draw on qualitative data collected from elite independent preK-12 schools to show that disability is indeed a salient basis of selection into elite educational environments, one that begins at the earliest moments of educational sorting: admission to elite early childhood programs. Through interviews with admissions personnel, we show that elite independent schools explicitly structured their admissions processes to identify—and exclude—children who were perceived as having or being at risk of developing any type of disability, regardless of impairment type or support needs. We argue that admissions practices at elite independent schools: 1) serve as a form of social closure intended to restrict enrollment to young children perceived as able-bodied and neurotypical, and 2) represent a case of essentializing merit, in which elite gatekeepers construct merit as an intrinsic rather than achieved property of individuals.

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